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Dogs and belayers are more than welcome in climbing photography. This is third part when not just a climber is in point of interest but also what is behind her/him. |
Too much colorful looks funny but ....sometimes...anyway.... Red is good. :-) |
Tip 6: Composition
In photography exists many compositions. If you are new in
this art, I trully recomend you research on other blogs or learn from books and magazines of photography for common photo compositions like; Rule
of thirds, leading lines, symmetry, creating depth, filing the
frame: for example ˝shoot 3 steps closer˝, playing with colors, learn where to
place the horizon line etc.
ADVICE for good composition: LOOK AROUND YOU, FIND
Sometimes is one meter or half to the right much better then to the left and oposite. Try to find
yourself comfortable as much as possible and keep practicing. After shooting you can check photos at home and
see from which angles were better photos.
Shoot close ups or detail, then shoot normal lenght, or far away from different anlges to make climber smaller in the wall and get a landscape. Keep practicing and be patient.
Examples of pics from different angle and height of shooting.;
Example of the same boulder from different angle. For me the 2nd is better because from below makes boulder bigger and thclimber is more exposed.
Tip 7: Camera settings
My steps: My camera is ON. I check my settings and pick
lens for the shooting. Usually I put 18-140mm lens which has a VR on = lens shake stabilizator. Other brands has other signs like OS, VC etc.
Settings of my camera:
Exposure Mode: In (M) Manual mode you control the aperture and shutter
speed, which I usually use. Sometimes the sunlight
changes so fast, that I don’t have time to think about that, so I put on A
(Aperture mode).
CH is for trigger mode, where I use continuous shooting at
high speed. in my camera is 6 frames/sek.
WB; White Balance usually I set up on Auto, which for most
cases works well. At sunset light sometimes I put on Cloud or Sunlight WB.
Metering: I put on Matrix or Center-weighte metering option. It
also depending of light and the sensor sensitivity. Try and you will noticed
the differences on your images.
Picture control: LS for me works best. LS=landscape.
Focus: focus-mode selector is rotated to AF- Autofocus mode, I choose AF-S mode and I use AE-L/AF-L button for lock the focus and exposure. I shoot on this manner most of the time. Find where is your AE-L/AF-L
lock button on your camera. First you focus point of interest and keep shutter-release button pressed halfway and then I press the AE-L/AF-L button and let loose the shutter-release button and wait for the moment of action.
Image Quality and Size: I put Large size and JPEG-fine quality in most cases, sometimes I use JPEG -fine and
NEF (RAW). Why JPEG format? Because I want to catch an action.
When I shoot in JPEG, my camera speed frame is 6fr/sek. RAW format has many
benefits, but for me is the most important to catch a moment.
ISO must be as low as possible. from 100 till 1200. It's depends what kind of camera you have. You don't wanna see a grainy noise on images.
Aperture: It depending what you wanna show and what you
have on your list on the shooting day. And also depends which lenses do you
use and depending how far is the background and what is on background. Anyway
many things is involve for choosing aperture.
I set up from F2.8 (for this I use 35mm F1.8 lens) till
F11 with kit lenses . In my cases I set up F7.1 or F8 where I can get a climber is sharp in foreground and the background is a little blurry.
Shutter speed: You must catch a moment in climbing, so you
need a minimum number of shutter speed as 1/250th, 1/500th,
1/640th of a second and more. It can be less than 1/250 but you
don’t wanna have blurry shots, right?!![]() |
1/800, F/7.1, ISO 500, 130mm, A ex.mode, Center weighted average mode. |
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1/200, F6.3, ISO 1000 , Flash manual, M ex.mode, 10mm, matrix metering mode. |
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1/1000, F4, ISO 400, 35mm, M ex.mode, matrix metering mode. |
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1/1600, F7.1, ISO 800, 70mm, M ex.mode, spot metering mode. |
Tip 8: Shooting technique
#1: Camera is set up, and keep it ready. Learn how to handle
your camera fast. The light is constantly changing, so be really fast to change
setting like ISO, shutter speed, WB, Aperture.
#2: Measure the lighting with your camera and set up on
correct light.
#3: I shoot with AF-S focusing system. I focus on point of
interest-˝move˝, or I focus a hold or between holds (the head and the eyes must
be sharp during the move in most cases!) and then I press the lock button
AE-L/AF-L for locking the focus and the light. Then I wait for climber’s move.
When the climber starts doing a dynamic move, I usually
start shooting a little earlier than the climber is going to do move on hold. I shoot
continuously while the AF-L lock button is pressed during the climbing of climber. I stop shooting when the climbers hold it and sometimes I wait a little
bit longer, if some other things happened. Usually they start chalking, shaking.
I quit shooting at that point, or maybe I shoot shaking with focusing on
her/his faces and get ready for next compositions.
I do not use AF-C or AF-C 3D tracking or other focusing
system because it still doesn’t works good enough performance for climbing
photography. You can try with that but then you will see after shooting how
many images will be out of focus. Maybe with other mirrorless or other cameras
have a better AF-C system? I have almost 40% out of focus. I rarely use AF-C
with locking button but I still prefer to use AF-S and that magic button.
4# Keep changing the Focal length, from 10mm till 70mm.
Again, it’s all depends what do you want to show. If the climber is far, I
recommend the focal length to zoom in; from 50-70mm. If the climber is touching your feet, put on a wide-angle lens and catch
in the frame also the background. Try to play with that.
5# Keep changing the aperture. If you want a blurry background put a low number of aperture F2.8. If you want to have also a sharp background and a climber, then keep the aperture a higher number like F8-F11.
Go practicing!
Tip 9: Editing
Day of shooting is over and now from your memory
card you put pics on computer. I have usually more or less 300 photos daily. I use SD card, one is 64 and other 16 GB, the best ones, the fastest.
I have ACD-see program for organizing files. In the same
program I also import my photos. Then I look them fast for first time and
delete all bad ones. Then I look for 2nd time and pick good ones and
I put color mark on it, like yellow and red mark for interesting images for repeat shooting, if it possible. 3th time I make sure for picking the right ones (20 pics) and choose from 1-5 the best ones. 4th time I delete some more picture and start with retouching images.
I retouch in Photoshop then I also use from Google Nik Collection tool the Color Efex Pro, which is really fun to use filters.
Example of images:
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normal retouching with Photoshop |
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Use Photoshop and Nik Collection-color efex pro |
Tip 10: Advanced technique
Sometimes or in most cases we climb in two and it's really difficult to find a person who would sacrifice himself to walk 2 hours and climb on great rock and have fun! Remember, no one is going so far and after two hours of walking anyway too tired for climbing and then she/he would only belay for great photos or maybe even climb some easy route. No way! So I had to think to find out a good method for that.
My solution is
#1 Take a Tripod and remote controls with you!
I use Joby Gorilla tripod and remote controls. More you pay for remote controls, better they works. Or sometimes I forget remote controls, I still can do some shots with with phone. The phone works on WiFi like remote.
Setting of camera: I have Aperture priority ex. mode (A), F8, Metering I put on Center-weighted mode, ISO as low as possible, Shutter speed camera chooses itself for best results but sometimes I put EV to +1/3 or -1/3, depends on light and clouds. I focus the point of interest and then I rotate focus-mode selector from AF to M(button lies on left side on Nikon's cameras) Warning!: Each manufacturer of cameras and lenses has own restriction about rotating AF to M mode! read instruction before using a camera!". The focus now is locked. VR is OFF, because the camera is on tripod. Then I test a shot with remote controls. If it's everything good, then I go belay and while belaying I shoot.
#2 Use a telephoto zoom lens for taking pics from below. In this case I usually find a plant , or flowers which fill the frame. The shots are more interesting.
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